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Our Mission is to provide specialized service to our clients in the field of Workers’ Compensation Subrogation and to help our clients realize the best possible subrogation results with the least cost.

Subrogation Claims Services, Inc is an outsourcing subrogation service, based in San Diego, California, providing workers’ compensation subrogation specialty services for employers and carriers throughout the state.

Having SCS handle your subrogation provides for better recoveries, credits and resolutions.

SCS provides your staff with an expert to work with when civil issues arise, freeing up your staff to provide the benefits that are due and dealing with the legal issues that are necessary to handle your workers’ compensation claims.

California Labor Code section 3852 provides the rights by employers and carriers to subrogate for the cost of the workers’ compensation claim against a negligent third party. The soaring costs of workers’ compensation claims demands that anytime we can reclaim the cost of these benefits, we should.

The world of civil litigation tends to disregard subrogation claims. Unless you are aggressive and involve yourself in their litigation, you will be ignored, pushed aside and settled around.

This is where the specialists at SCS make all the difference.